Our region experiences higher mental health issues and suicide rates compounded by lack of services and significant gaps in timely, appropriate service delivery. The Rural Outreach Program aims to overcome barriers with access to services through a timely free community based response without the need for a referral.
It is an initiative by the Wimmera Southern Mallee Mental Health Seasonal Conditions Partnership with a shared concern about the wellbeing of our communities. Through collective seasonal conditions funds and support from Wimmera PCP, DHHS and WVPHN the Rural Outreach Program commenced in December 2018.

Rural Outreach Workers; Murray McInnes, Maggie Bridgewater and Mal Coutts.
The strengths of program and delivery are rapid response times, non-clinical informal approach and local place based assistance for people struggling during difficult and challenging times. The accessibility of the Program allows community members to avoid long wait times for referrals and could benefit from just someone to talk to in a non-clinical setting.
Community members can access the Rural Outreach Program in the privacy of their own homes, at no cost. No referral is needed, just a phone call to 1300 688 732 for yourself or someone you are concerned about.
In conjunction with Wimmera Primary Care Partnership the Rural Outreach Program also facilitates Mental Health First Aid training targeting all sectors of the community. There is a course offered in all the four shires and has trained over 1,000 participants in the Wimmera Southern Mallee region. For more information please contact lissy.johns@wimmerapcp.org.au.
The Rural Outreach program has engaged Swinburne University to evaluate the program with the first report completed in June 2019.
Through anecdotal evidence the program is highly regarded and has helped many community members including one interstate person visiting his local family. The extent of support varies from a chat to collaborating with mental health services for family units with other support services as required.
The nature of the issues for support ranges from Depression and/or anxiety, support for a suicide to financial issues.
The Rural Outreach program is funded through a regional collaboration with State and Federal agencies facilitated by Wimmera Primary Care Partnership until June 2021.

Document Library:
Region Victoria Mental Health Initiative
Rural Outreach Program – Swinburne Evaluation End of Year Report 2020
Rural Outreach Program – Swinburne Evaluation Report 1
Rural Outreach Program – Swinburne Evaluation Report 2020
Rural Outreach Program – Swinburne Evaluation Report 2020 (short version)