Horsham, Victoria, Australia

Access & Equity

working together for healthy communities

Access and equity are principles of social justice.  Equity relates to fairness. It recognises that some people are more disadvantaged than others in being able to access services and facilities and therefore there is a responsibility to address this lack of equity.  Access is the capacity people have to physically enter a building or space and also to use a facility or service.

Wimmera PCP, along with partner agencies will continue to address access barriers for vulnerable populations as well as facilitating how various parts of the system integrate with each other. Initiatives could include, but are not limited to family violence, mental health, alcohol & other drugs, consumer engagement, social inclusion, cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and improving health literacy.

Service Coordination:

  • Service coordination places consumers at the centre of service delivery to make sure they have access to the services they need, opportunities for early intervention and health promotion which lead to improved health outcomes. Service coordination enables health and community service professionals to work together, yet remain independent of each other, to ensure a coordinated and integrated response to consumer needs.  Wimmera PCP are able to support member agencies to implement service coordination practices and electronic referral.  For more information on The Service Coordination Framework click here.


  • Wimmera Persistent Pain Service – safe use of opioids resources.  Access here.

Wimmera Chronic Disease Network:

  • The Wimmera Chronic Disease Network has a focus on enhancing care provided to people with chronic conditions and their carers in the Wimmera and learn, share and collaborate on shared care and health reform and system changes to improve person centered care outcomes across the region.  Catch-ups are held as mini forums several times a year – for more information click here.

Wimmera Partnership Network:

  • The Wimmera Partnership Network is open to all agencies in the four LGAs that make up the Wimmera, who have HACC PYP and/or CHSP funding or receive these funded services.  Organisational representation is up to each agency to decide however, it is suggested the attendee/s be in a key role to understand the broad HACC PYP/ CHSP picture, be responsible to develop and implement agency HACC PYP/CHSP action plans, and be in a role to instigate change and promote partnerships with other agencies.

Health Literacy:

  • Health literacy is an individual’s ability to obtain, understand and use the health information and services they need, to make appropriate health decisions.  Organisations have a responsibility to ensure they meet the health literacy needs of individuals and communities.  The Vic PCP Health Literacy Course has been designed for Victorian health and human service organisations to build knowledge and skills in health literacy responsiveness. The course is available free of charge at www.vicpcphealthliteracycourse.com.au