Horsham, Victoria, Australia
03 5362 3442

Prevention & Health Promotion

working together for healthy communities

Prevention of Disease and Health promotion is the process of empowering people to increase control over their health and its determinants through health literacy efforts and multisectoral action to increase healthy behaviors. This process includes activities for the community-at-large or for populations at increased risk of negative health outcomes. Health promotion usually addresses behavioral risk factors such as tobacco use, obesity, diet and physical inactivity, as well as the areas of mental health, injury prevention, drug abuse control, alcohol control, health behavior related to HIV, and sexual health.  (World Health Organisation).

As outlined in the Wimmera Southern Mallee Health Prevention Strategic Plan 2017-2021, Wimmera PCP work with partner agencies to address key health and wellbeing priorities across the Wimmera PCP catchment area and will continue to work collaboratively throughout the life of the plan.

Partners have identified key health priorities across the Wimmera PCP catchment area and have agreed shared goals, objectives and strategies to improve health outcomes over the next four years.  These priority areas are derived from the 2015-2019 Victorian health and wellbeing priorities of healthy eating and active living and improving mental health.  (Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2015-2019).  The development of our plan has been informed by and is aligned to Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plans (Hindmarsh Shire Council Plan 2017-2021 , Horsham Rural City Council Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017-2021, West Wimmera Shire Council Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017-2021, Yarriambiack Shire Council Plan 2017-2021) and the Victorian Government directions in health prevention. Key documents include the Victoria Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2015 – 2019, Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Outcomes Framework and the Victorian Health Priorities Framework 2012 – 2022 Rural and Remote Health Plan.

Why these priority Areas:

Healthy eating:  Healthy eating is the foundation of a healthy population and a productive workforce.The health and wellbeing of individuals and populations can be significantly improved by better nutrition which can also decrease chronic disease and associated healthcare costs for society.

Physical activity:  The World Health Organisation defines physical activity as all movements in everyday life including work, recreation, exercise and sporting activities. Physical inactivity is a significant risk factor for poor health. Overweight and obesity is closely linked to low levels of physical activity and poor eating habits.

Social connection:  Our social connections comprise people we know; the friends we confide in, the family we belong to, our work, sport or membership to clubs and the community we live in. The need to belong, be connected and engaged in group and civic activities are intrinsic to mental health and wellbeing.

Key strategies to improve health outcomes over the next four years in the Wimmera Southern Mallee:

Healthy eating:

  • Support community initiatives that encourage healthy eating and access to nutritious foods
  • Support/ implement community events that showcase our region’s food culture and produce with local partners, growers and food networks
  • Support initiatives to promote and increase the availability of healthy options at community events
  • Work with early childhood services, schools, workplaces and sporting clubs to educate /promote/facilitate healthy eating and drinking initiatives
  • Work with local stakeholders to address barriers to healthy eating and access to nutritious foods particularly for vulnerable groups
  • Promote the benefits of healthy eating and drinking through key messages and information sharing
  • Identify community leaders/champions to help engage community (particularly vulnerable groups) in healthy eating initiatives

Physical activity:

  • Support community initiatives that increase opportunities for physical activity and active living
  • Work with local stakeholders to address barriers to participation in physical activity particularly for vulnerable groups and people from diverse backgrounds
  • Work with early childhood services and schools on initiatives that encourage active play and physical activity.
  • Implement healthy workplace programs and environments to reduce sedentary behaviour and promote active lifestyles.
  • Promote the benefits of physical activity and active modes of transport through key messages
  • Promote greater use of open spaces and parks to create opportunities for physical activity
  • Identify community leaders and champions to help engage community (particularly vulnerable groups) in physical activity initiatives

Social Connection:

  • Support community initiatives that increase opportunities for social participation and access to supportive networks
  • Work with local stakeholders to address barriers to participation in social activities particularly for vulnerable groups and people from diverse backgrounds
  • Promote benefits of social connection through positive messages and information sharing
  • Support community spaces that provide opportunities for social connection
  • Promote greater use of open spaces and parks to create opportunities for social engagement
  • Support/ implement community events that celebrate our region’s diversity in collaboration with local partners and stakeholders
  • Implement workplace practices that foster greater social inclusion and increase staff awareness of different groups needs and barriers to participation
  • Identify community leaders and champions to help build stronger social networks and engage people (particularly vulnerable groups) in community life.

Health Promotion Network

The Wimmera Primary Care Partnership Health Promotion network provides;

  • Mutual support for people working in health promotion.
  • Opportunities for networking, shared ideas, activities and improved knowledge.
  • Improved strategic approaches to health promotion in the Wimmera and;
  • A place to foster working relationships utilising a partnership approach.

Members of the network have a health-promoting role in their workplace and meetings occur on the second Tuesday of the month from 12.00pm to 2.30pm. We welcome new members to the group.  If you would like further information or to indicate your interest in attending the network, contact Ruth Williams on (03) 5362 3224.

2020 Wimmera PCP Health Promotion Network Meeting Dates

Month Date Time
February Tuesday 11th 12.00 noon
April Tuesday 21st 12.00 noon
June Tuesday 9th 12.00 noon
August Tuesday 11th 12.00 noon
October Tuesday 13th 12.00 noon
December Date tbc 12.00 noon

*Venues to be confirmed

Health Promotion Priority Mapping 2019

The Health Promotion Map is a current listing/mapping of agencies within Wimmera PCP’s catchment area.  It includes information on:

  • health promotion settings and major programs
  • priority areas and target groups
  • resources and tools  used to support this work
  • partnerships

This mapping has been created using the Key Priority Areas as outlined in The Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2015-2019, which outlines the Government’s key priorities over the next four years to improve the health and wellbeing of all Victorians, particularly the most disadvantaged.

To find out what programs our partner agencies offer under the Statewide Health Priorities, click here.

 Small Grants Program 2018-19 and Small Enabler Grants 2018-19

  • Wimmera PCP also offer the Small Grants Program and Small Enabler Grants to all our Member agencies. To find out more about the Grants click here.

Health Promotion in Action

Find out how Integrated Health Promotion is making a difference – read the stories below highlighting the recent good work that is happening in the Wimmera:

Projects Prior to 2013